
Alain Mugisha
With a wide range of experience in nursing (psychiatry, medical home, humanitarian work, etc.), I'm delighted to be able to put my skills to good use at Le Foyer health centre. In practical terms, I'll be working in the dispensary, where I'll be providing nursing care as well as taking biological samples such as blood tests. In terms of nursing care, we'll be providing all the nursing care required under a doctor's prescription, such as dressings, injections and removal of sutures or staples. Don't forget to bring your health insurance card with you.
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Telephone : +32484752226

Bénédicte Vanden Bossche
Passionate about the development and well-being of young people aged 16 to 25, I enjoy discovering the strengths and talents of each individual. As a teacher for 15 years, I realised that the potential of my students was often misdirected by a lack of self-confidence, poor stress management, lack of motivation or any other blockage. The tools I use. With the help of the evolutionary enneagram, we first focus on the discovery of your profile and your deepest motivations. A better knowledge of yourself is the basis for a stronger self-esteem and personal balance. Then, according to your request and your needs, we use Dynamic Sophrology ® and Brain Gym ® to modify certain behaviours, remove blockages and progress to bring out the best in you. For those who doubt their choice of studies or career, we deepen their self-knowledge thanks to a method based on a precise profiling and we use tools such as the MBTI, the RIASEC and the EXPLORAMA.
E-mail :
Telephone : 0478/522935

Fanny Cornet
I'm trained in clinical psychology and have many years' professional experience in institutions working with psychological, family and educational problems. In particular, I have experience in psycho-affective work with people with disabilities. I offer you individual psychological support through your difficulties, your questions and your suffering, using a sympathetic and empathetic listening ear and presence inspired by the person-centred approach (C. Rogers). The aim is to help you become aware of your needs, your resources and your values, so that you can gradually (re)integrate them into your daily life. This process aims to bring you closer to yourself, to restore your precious self-esteem, to regain your ability to act, to make your own choices and, along the way, to remove disabling symptoms. There can be many reasons why we seek help. Here is a non-exhaustive list of situations we can work on together: anxiety, stress and anguish; difficulties linked to a lack of self-esteem; relationship difficulties; feelings of isolation; the search for meaning; depressive disorders; exhaustion; hypersensitivity. I offer individual sessions to adults and young people aged 16 and over. Consultations can be in French or English.
E-mail :
Telephone : 0473466195

Louise Manfron
"Passionate about humanistic psychology (person-centred and experiential approach, C.Rogers) and neuroscience, my career has been characterised by continuous training and professional experience at the centre of these two disciplines. What is my approach to psychological counselling? There are many different reasons why people come to see a psychologist. Taking the plunge isn't always easy. Whether you're going through a difficult period that's affecting your day-to-day life, or a more serious problem that's holding you back, I welcome you. I offer to listen attentively, to be fully present and to be kind, so that I can welcome you fully, with your experiences, feelings, emotions and needs - just as they are - in a safe place. You are at the centre of the therapeutic process and the relationship, free to BE. As a therapist, I adopt a humble stance so that you can (re)connect with your own resources. Who is it for? Adolescents and adults - all types of symptoms or difficulties. Other activities : I provide consultation support to patients suffering from chronic pain at Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc; I am involved in pain prevention and awareness programmes for patients and staff at the Cliniques; I work on research projects with the Neuroscience Institute at UCLouvain; I teach in social promotion, at Hautes Écoles and at university in my various areas of expertise. To find out more or to make initial contact, I am available by telephone. See you soon, Louise Manfron "
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Mathilde Grogna
My background Graduated as a clinical psychologist from ULiège in 2019, with a Master's degree in delinquency and drug addiction. I was able to gain experience as a clinician while specialising in victimology and trauma at ULB&UMons. I enjoy working with children in different media, such as drawing, books, the emotion wheel, games, etc. I have been able to experiment with these media. I was able to experiment with these media in a basic school as well as in a mental health service. Then, I was able to specialise in domestic violence within the associations Solidarité-Femmes and the Collectif contre les violences intrafamiliales et l'exclusion (CVFE) and the Pôles de Ressources specialised in domestic violence.Systemic therapy is an approach that I particularly appreciate, my approach is integrative and holistic. I therefore offer consultations on Tuesday afternoons and evenings in Ixelles.
E-mail :
Telephone : 0470224007

Nuzhat Tabassum
"A graduate of the Université Libre de Bruxelles with a Master's degree in Speech Therapy, I look after both children and adults. I specialise in oro-myofunctional disorders, dyscalculia, dysphonia and dysphagia, but I am also available for consultations on oral and written language disorders. Whether my patients are children or adults, I work in collaboration with them and/or their families. If necessary, my experience as a researcher and scientific collaborator in bilingualism/multilingualism also enables me to treat patients in English, French, Hindi and Bengali. Since listening and mutual understanding are the keys to a good therapist-patient dynamic, and since good training is the proof of quality care, my aim will be to combine these factors in order to set up optimal rehabilitation for my patients".
E-mail :
Telephone : 0473/46.47.91

Sita Edouardo
I'm passionate about the nursing profession, which I've been practising for many years. My professional experience in psychiatry, general hospitals and MR, as well as numerous temporary assignments, have enabled me to develop my human qualities and my analytical skills. I'm currently working at the Le Foyer health centre, providing services such as biological sampling, injections, dressing repairs and pill dispenser preparation.
E-mail :
Telephone : 0470 02 16 60

Théo Pierron
Je suis Théo Pierron, un professionnel de santé passionné par l’approche holistique et complémentaire des soins. Après avoir exercé en tant qu’infirmier en psychiatrie pendant plusieurs années, j’ai décidé d’élargir mes compétences en suivant une formation en Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (MTC). La MTC, qui repose sur des principes millénaires, propose une vision du corps et de la santé fondée sur l’équilibre entre le yin et le yang, l’harmonie entre les organes et la circulation de l’énergie vitale, le Qi. Cette approche considère que la santé ne se limite pas à l’absence de maladie, mais qu’elle résulte d’un équilibre global entre le corps, l’esprit et l’environnement. Travaillant encore actuellement au sein d’une clinique psychiatrique, j’ai une connaissance approfondie des enjeux émotionnels et psychiques auxquels les patients sont confrontés. En combinant mes compétences en soins infirmiers avec les outils de la MTC, j’aspire à offrir des soins qui respectent l’individualité de chacun en adoptant une approche nuancée et éclairée. J’utilise des pratiques telles que l’acupuncture, la pharmacopée, le Qi Gong et la diététique chinoise pour accompagner les traitements médicaux traditionnels et améliorer le bien-être général. Je suis également membre de la BAF (Belgian acupunctors federation), ce qui permet aux patients de bénéficier du remboursement de certaines séances par leurs mutuelles, selon les conditions de couverture. Une séance de médecine chinoise ne constitue en aucun cas un substitut à une consultation avec votre médecin généraliste ou spécialiste. Elle s’inscrit dans une approche complémentaire et ne remplace ni le suivi médical ni les traitements médicamenteux prescrits par un professionnel de santé.
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