
What insurance is legally required in Belgium?

  • Civil liability insurance for any motor vehicle on the public highway.
  • Workmen's compensation insurance and domestic workers.
  • Hunting liability insurance.


What insurance is strongly recommended?


  • Life, accident, fire and family liability insurance.


Family liability insurance ensures that you can deal with the financial consequences of a number of life events. It is therefore important to be well informed.


The broker :


To help you, the broker searches for the insurance policies that best meet your needs. He advises you and assists you in the event of a claim. He is your contact and spokesperson with the major insurance companies. In general, the broker visits the insured. It is strongly recommended that you use his services. Some banks also offer an "Insurance" service.


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Housing :


Covers fire, water damage, glass breakage, building liability and natural disasters: storms, hail, floods .... This comprehensive insurance must be taken out by both the tenant and the owner, taking into account the recourse that is exercised between the parties. The landlord's insurance covers the risks inherent in the building (e.g., embedded pipes, storm damage to the roof, etc.), while the tenant's insurance covers rental risks (e.g., exposed pipes, etc.).


People :




Not compulsory, but recommended for everyone, even those living alone. Compensates for damage to third parties caused by you, your children, your pets, or anyone dependent on you, up to large amounts for physical and material damage. 

Compulsory even for people working for you. This applies to any person who works in your home in a private capacity, even on a part-time basis: au pair, cleaning lady.
In Belgium, the Mutuelle is compulsory for employees as well as for the self-employed. Insurance companies offer additional coverage.
In the event of hospitalisation, it covers the costs that exceed the reimbursements of the mutual insurance company, including the costs of a single room.
Lump sums (amount chosen by the insured) in case of accident. Covers death and/or permanent disability and/or temporary incapacity and/or medical expenses.

Auto :

The "Bonus-Malus" system (the insurance premium increases or decreases according to the accidents you have had in the past) has been revised. Each insurance company uses its own evaluation grid.
This cover is compulsory and covers damage to third parties, including passengers in your vehicle, except the driver, in the event that he or she is held liable. In order to obtain the best rates, do not forget to ask your previous insurer for a "no claim" certificate. Belgian insurers will take this into account. 
Not compulsory, but recommended. Covers the defence of your interests, the costs of lawyers and legal proceedings in Belgium and abroad in the event of contestation of responsibilities (increasingly frequent on the part of individuals and insurance companies).
This cover is an option that can be partial or total. The full omnium covers material damage, whether or not the driver is at fault. It also covers theft, fire, glass breakage and forces of nature. The partial omnium, or mini-omnium, does not cover damage to your vehicle if you are at fault or due to vandalism. In any case, not having caused an accident in the previous 5 years will have a positive influence on the premiums to pay. 
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