1150 Woluwé-Saint-Pierre



Woluwe-Saint-Pierre is above all residential, prosperous and rich in green spaces (20 % of its territory). It takes its name from the river (the Woluwe) which crosses it from the south to the north where it joins its neighbour Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. The Avenue de Tervuren is a majestic road which, from the no less prestigious Square Montgomery in the west, crosses the entire municipality to reach Tervuren, its park and its museum (undergoing transformation). The municipality is quiet and very close to the European institutions. A walk along the Mellaerts Ponds is a beautiful goal, depending on the weather.If the weather is fine, try a trip in a boat or pedal boat. If the weather is not so good, have a drink at the nearby brewery... At the western end (Montgomery) and eastern end (Stockel), two metro stations complete the public transport offer made up of trams and buses that make it easy to reach the city centre. The outer ring road is not far away. Several theatres, two museums (Bibliotheca Witockiana, urban transport), Woluwe-Saint-Pierre also has historical monuments: the Anjou manor house, the Stoclet palace... Stockel has a very varied shopping centre. Rob is a gourmet food shop located a few blocks from the W Shopping Center (see Woluwe-Saint-Lambert). After Uccle, Sint-Pieters-Woluwe is the most flourishing of the Brussels municipalities. The prices of houses and flats are consequently very high. Rents are also expensive.


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Photos  Pascal Abundes 


           Contact :    www.woluwe1150.be      Avenue Charles Thielemans 93, 1150 Woluwe Saint Pierre T 02 773 05 11

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