Xpatris, comparison platform

Accommodation in Belgium


Making Belgium your new home? Find your perfect home, with trusted accommodation providers. Compare listings of furnished and unfurnished flats and studios. Need help choosing the perfect home? Go to Immoweb.


Internet, TV, Telephone


Moving into a new home in Belgium? Connect your home to the Internet, television and telephone. Access the main service providers and compare the best offers. Need help? Ask Xpatris


Public services in Belgium


Looking for a complete list of all utility providers in Belgium? Access the main service providers to save money and time. Need more help? Ask Xpatris


Rental of office and home furniture


If you are looking to rent furniture for your short stay in Belgium or to furnish your office, ask Xpatris


Access the leading furniture rental companies and get the best prices. Need help? Ask Xpatris


XpatrisComparison Platform/Plateforme de comparaison
1050 Brussels

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